Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Loving Kindness of God

CONFESSION- "Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee. Deliver
me, O LORD, from mine enemies: I flee unto thee to hide me. Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God: thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness." (Psalm 143:8-10). DEVOTIONAL SONG- U are Lord, U are my God.U are the eyes I use to see. U are the key that opens all doors.U are the owner of my soul.U're the bush that burneth that never consumed.what shall I render unto U O Lord. I will bow down and worship your name.U are the Lord. (Repeat song 3x).
PRAYERS.- 1. Thank and bless his Holy name for yet another day.Thank U Lord.
2. Father, show me the kind of kindness that your love brings.pls draw me unto thyself with thy Lovingkindness and show me thy Goodness IJN.
3. Father,all the days of my life lead me the pathway of righteousness that my footstep slip not in the highway of holiness IJN.
4. O thou Deliverer of Jacob deliver me from every of my household enemy IJN.
5. Thou City of refuge,keep me in the shadow of thy wings as I run to You IJN.
6. Father,let your perfect will bw done in my life. Let me be lost in thy will IJN.
7. Add ur prayer requests. Amen. Its still your month of Celebration.Make sure u pray these prayers and send it to 7-people and ur life will never be the same again. God Bless.The Convener.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


With every true leader, you will find two things namely: Charisma (skills, gifts e.t.c) and character (habit). I learnt at a very early stage of my leadership development that charisma mat help assist a man to be noticed but character reveals his relevance. Charisma can make a man famous but character will make a man great.
Therefore, the subject of character building/ habit formation should become a leader primary concern. It’s so pathetic to see emerging leaders focus so much on their charisma to the detriment of their character.
In other words, it is about what I can do not who I should be or who I am. Jesus the greatest example that ever lived once told a story which till date is as true as it was when He narrated it. It is about a house built on sand and another house built on a rock. Notice that they were both houses and were both finished. Let me point out here that because something is standing does not automatically means it has pass the test of time. There are people today that there are occupying place of leadership and carrying various titles with them, but it is very unfortunate that when this same people are confronted with the test of true leadership, they compromise and fall like pack of cards. They possess all the “external” but lack the character or what we can call the “inner Fortitude” that makes for true Leadership.


Men by nature are alike, but their habit takes them far apart. In the acquisition of a new habit, or the leaving off of a new habit, or the leaving off of an old one, we must take care of lunch ourselves with as strong as decided an initiative as possible. It is so unfortunate that the science of of habit formation is not known by mothers, taught in schools, colleagues and universities. It is a science without which other department s of education sinks into insignificance.
The converted man is not told that the greatest battle is yet before him, that he must persistently , painfully, prayerfully, and with all the will power he possesses, break up the old habit and lay counter lines which will lead to the temple of virtue
Someone once said, when we were young, “we form our habits, but when we are old, our habits forms us.”


A habit is mental paths, over which our action have travelled for some time, each pass making the path a little deeper and wider. If you have to work over a field or though a forest, you will know how natural it is for you to choose the clearest path in preference to stepping out across the field to making a new path. The line of mental activity is the same. Habits are formed by repetition.


There is this struggle I call, “The unending struggle” and it is about how to form new habit. Many people desire new habits and even admire those who have them. The follow men and women who have habits that they greatly desire.
First I will like to say that desiring new habits is not enough, it starts with a desire but goes way beyond it. If wishes were horses even beggars will ride. Great men are those who take their desire to the NEXT LEVEL, which is “EXPRESSION”. The proof of desire is “PURSUIT”
Habakkuk 2, says, “Write your vision and make it plain, so that he who reads it can run”. Turn your desire into active force with enthusiasm. God’s desire was to save mankind, but He carefully planned the redemption of man and executed it with the highest level of precision ever known. He sent His son into the world, bearing the risk and dangers involved He still went ahead. Today, all over the world, men and women are now enjoying the effect/ result of that desire that God gave expression to.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


JUDGES9:8 – 15
God has created you for a purpose, may you fulfill that purpose in Jesus name.
The purpose or a tree is to produce fruits. Every tree is to produce fruits after its own kind. Provided a tree is producing its own kind of fruits, it will find favour with God. For example, if you are a teacher the fruits God expect you to produce are teachers, if you are a tailor God expect you to win tailors to Christ. If you are a trader God is not expecting you to win the soul of a president, He wants you to win the soul of fellow traders like you JN 15:16
There are several lessons to learn from our Bible reading. One, you should face whatever assignment God has given you in life. Two, anyone trying to lord it over everybody else is likely to be a useless person. The important thing to note is that God has created you for a purpose. Once you are doing what God wants you to do, He will honor you.
A dry tree cannot produce fruits. Nevertheless, the Almighty God has the power to make a dry tree fruitful ISA 56: 3 – 5; EZEK 37: 1 – 11. A eunuch is normally referred to as a dry tree. Anyone who does not bear fruit is a dry tree. Anyone who has been a born again for a long and has never bear fruit is a dry tree.
However if the dry tree join itself to God, it will be transformed. Ask Him to make you a green tree: a tree planted by the riverside. Ask Him to make you become a fruit tree that will bring tremendous pleasure to Him. God bless you

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


PSALM 1:1-3
Several trees are mentioned in the Bible, such include the tree of life, The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the olive tree, the vine tree, the fig tree, the palm tree and the cedar tree. The tree of life is a particularly wonderful tree GEN2:9 one day those of us who will overcome will eat out of this tree amen REV 2:7.
When God wanted to describe the prosperity that he gives to the saints, He compared it to a certain tree PS 92:12-15. The palm tree never sheds its leaves. Its leaves remain ever green. If you are a child of God and you are doing the will of God, whether there is famine or not, you will keep on shining.
The cedar tree is an extremely big tree and it’s constantly gets bigger. In other words, if you are a true child of God, the promise of God is that not only will you continue to prosper your prosperity will keep on growing.
Those that are planted in the house of God, even at an old age will still be producing fruits. The will neither be tired or sick. The promise of god is that he will keep on renewing their age like that of the eagle. In MATT 24:32-33 , for example God implore us to learn a lesson from the fig tree, when Jesus Christ was talking about something as crucial as His second coming , He referred us to the fig tree.
In ISA 65:22 God made a promise, under normal circumstances if you do not cut down a tree, it goes on living forever. God is saying that like the days of the tree so is the lives of His people, He also added that you will live old to enjoy the works of your hand.
God has pleasure in the prosperity of His children. Are you one of His children? If you are, then, congratulations. However if not, be one today.
remember you are who you say you are

Monday, February 8, 2010


MATT 7:18-19, LUKE 6:44
A tree is known by its fruits and not by its size or leaves. You can call yourself by any name but it is what you produce that really tells us who you really are. It’s not your words but your actions that will reveal who you are LUKE 6:43-45
When you see your fruit you will know who you are, if you are obedient to God your children will automatically be obedient to you. By your fruit shall you be known, the orange tree will never produce a mango fruit, no matter how hard you try, a grape will always produce a grape fruit. If you are full of bitterness your children will end up being violent because there are bringing forth what is in you. If you are full of love, tenderness, forgiveness, and all other good gift from God, you will be amazed that all your children will begin to follow this pattern.
Every good tree will bring forth good fruit MATT 7:17 corrupt trees will bring forth evil fruits. If you want your children to become prayerfully you have to be a prayer warrior yourself, likewise if you want your children to begin to worship God you have to set an example by first worshipping God. So I pray that God will change whatever is in our lives that will destroy that of our children.
Don’t take alcohol, don’t fornicate, don’t steal, if you do all this evil begin to pray against it now, set a better foundation for your children and those that look up to you for direction.
There is hope for those of us who are bad because by the grace of God we can become good. The tree has to be made good before it can produce good fruit so before we pray that God should change our children we should first pray that God should change us.