Saturday, February 13, 2010


With every true leader, you will find two things namely: Charisma (skills, gifts e.t.c) and character (habit). I learnt at a very early stage of my leadership development that charisma mat help assist a man to be noticed but character reveals his relevance. Charisma can make a man famous but character will make a man great.
Therefore, the subject of character building/ habit formation should become a leader primary concern. It’s so pathetic to see emerging leaders focus so much on their charisma to the detriment of their character.
In other words, it is about what I can do not who I should be or who I am. Jesus the greatest example that ever lived once told a story which till date is as true as it was when He narrated it. It is about a house built on sand and another house built on a rock. Notice that they were both houses and were both finished. Let me point out here that because something is standing does not automatically means it has pass the test of time. There are people today that there are occupying place of leadership and carrying various titles with them, but it is very unfortunate that when this same people are confronted with the test of true leadership, they compromise and fall like pack of cards. They possess all the “external” but lack the character or what we can call the “inner Fortitude” that makes for true Leadership.


Men by nature are alike, but their habit takes them far apart. In the acquisition of a new habit, or the leaving off of a new habit, or the leaving off of an old one, we must take care of lunch ourselves with as strong as decided an initiative as possible. It is so unfortunate that the science of of habit formation is not known by mothers, taught in schools, colleagues and universities. It is a science without which other department s of education sinks into insignificance.
The converted man is not told that the greatest battle is yet before him, that he must persistently , painfully, prayerfully, and with all the will power he possesses, break up the old habit and lay counter lines which will lead to the temple of virtue
Someone once said, when we were young, “we form our habits, but when we are old, our habits forms us.”


A habit is mental paths, over which our action have travelled for some time, each pass making the path a little deeper and wider. If you have to work over a field or though a forest, you will know how natural it is for you to choose the clearest path in preference to stepping out across the field to making a new path. The line of mental activity is the same. Habits are formed by repetition.


There is this struggle I call, “The unending struggle” and it is about how to form new habit. Many people desire new habits and even admire those who have them. The follow men and women who have habits that they greatly desire.
First I will like to say that desiring new habits is not enough, it starts with a desire but goes way beyond it. If wishes were horses even beggars will ride. Great men are those who take their desire to the NEXT LEVEL, which is “EXPRESSION”. The proof of desire is “PURSUIT”
Habakkuk 2, says, “Write your vision and make it plain, so that he who reads it can run”. Turn your desire into active force with enthusiasm. God’s desire was to save mankind, but He carefully planned the redemption of man and executed it with the highest level of precision ever known. He sent His son into the world, bearing the risk and dangers involved He still went ahead. Today, all over the world, men and women are now enjoying the effect/ result of that desire that God gave expression to.

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