Monday, February 8, 2010


MATT 7:18-19, LUKE 6:44
A tree is known by its fruits and not by its size or leaves. You can call yourself by any name but it is what you produce that really tells us who you really are. It’s not your words but your actions that will reveal who you are LUKE 6:43-45
When you see your fruit you will know who you are, if you are obedient to God your children will automatically be obedient to you. By your fruit shall you be known, the orange tree will never produce a mango fruit, no matter how hard you try, a grape will always produce a grape fruit. If you are full of bitterness your children will end up being violent because there are bringing forth what is in you. If you are full of love, tenderness, forgiveness, and all other good gift from God, you will be amazed that all your children will begin to follow this pattern.
Every good tree will bring forth good fruit MATT 7:17 corrupt trees will bring forth evil fruits. If you want your children to become prayerfully you have to be a prayer warrior yourself, likewise if you want your children to begin to worship God you have to set an example by first worshipping God. So I pray that God will change whatever is in our lives that will destroy that of our children.
Don’t take alcohol, don’t fornicate, don’t steal, if you do all this evil begin to pray against it now, set a better foundation for your children and those that look up to you for direction.
There is hope for those of us who are bad because by the grace of God we can become good. The tree has to be made good before it can produce good fruit so before we pray that God should change our children we should first pray that God should change us.

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