Tuesday, February 9, 2010


PSALM 1:1-3
Several trees are mentioned in the Bible, such include the tree of life, The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the olive tree, the vine tree, the fig tree, the palm tree and the cedar tree. The tree of life is a particularly wonderful tree GEN2:9 one day those of us who will overcome will eat out of this tree amen REV 2:7.
When God wanted to describe the prosperity that he gives to the saints, He compared it to a certain tree PS 92:12-15. The palm tree never sheds its leaves. Its leaves remain ever green. If you are a child of God and you are doing the will of God, whether there is famine or not, you will keep on shining.
The cedar tree is an extremely big tree and it’s constantly gets bigger. In other words, if you are a true child of God, the promise of God is that not only will you continue to prosper your prosperity will keep on growing.
Those that are planted in the house of God, even at an old age will still be producing fruits. The will neither be tired or sick. The promise of god is that he will keep on renewing their age like that of the eagle. In MATT 24:32-33 , for example God implore us to learn a lesson from the fig tree, when Jesus Christ was talking about something as crucial as His second coming , He referred us to the fig tree.
In ISA 65:22 God made a promise, under normal circumstances if you do not cut down a tree, it goes on living forever. God is saying that like the days of the tree so is the lives of His people, He also added that you will live old to enjoy the works of your hand.
God has pleasure in the prosperity of His children. Are you one of His children? If you are, then, congratulations. However if not, be one today.
remember you are who you say you are

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